Merchandise Monday #11

Today’s merchandise Monday features my Lord of the Rings Risk. I love it when traditional games come out with custom fandom versions:

Lord of the Rings Risk

Lord of the Rings Risk

Of course the playing board is a map of Middle Earth:

Middle Earth board Map

Middle Earth board Map

The playing board map does not only demarcate areas by names, but it shows you landmark images of where everything appears in the context of the actual story. Here is an example using the Mordor region:

Demarcated Landmarks

Demarcated Landmarks

You can have 4 players. 2 players will represent the army of Mordor/Isengard etc.; and 2 players will represent the army of Gondor/Rohan:

Playing Pieces

Playing Pieces

So who wants to play with/against me? 🙂

✘ Hack It! ✘