Funko Pop Vinyl sale

Hi fellow Nerd Knights!

A friend of mine is selling her Pops, she has some exclusive ones from conventions, limited releases, chase ones and vaulted etc.

The ones in the images below are not all the ones she has available. Please message me if you’re interested in any in particular 😊

Blue Chrome Batman

Gold Key Comics

My dad told me about these comics he used to have as a kid (among the other better known ones). I love the artwork of these old comics, and i’ve been looking for them at all the comic book stores, but can’t find any…

Gold Key Comics

Gold Key Comics


Gold Key Comics

Gold Key Comics


Gold Key Comics

Gold Key Comics

I can probably get hold of them online, so its something i’ll look into. Does anyone have any of the older 50s/60s comics stashed away?

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My Movie Loglines

So i’ve finished writing my first screenplay, some close friends/family are just helping me edit it at the moment. I want to share the log-lines for my other movie/screenplay ideas with you…

Movie Loglines

Movie Log-lines

1.A power couple faces a tug of war with potential business partners (the US government). When the government becomes coercive, the couple (who has the resources to do so), blocks off their play in an impetuous bank robbery; by stealing the frozen contents of their own safe deposit box before the government can do the same.

2.A group of childhood boys are coming of age as they pursue perilous adventures throughout       their youth. Eventually, their foolhardy behaviour results in a fatality, which shocks them into adulthood.

3. A heavyweight boxing champion gets into the ring with the vengeful semi-professional son of a boxing legend whom he killed 14 years earlier in his career.

4.An ambitious janitor embarks on a journey of self discovery. Transformed, he returns home and uproots the world around him as a tyrannical business tycoon.

5.A moonlighting private art collector will only give up his technological trade secrets to a desperate entrepreneur billionaire; in exchange for a valuable portrait masterpiece, which needs to be forged and stolen.

6.The victory of a successful manned Mars landing is short lived when disaster on the return journey to Earth brings out horrific human instincts of primal survival.


Let me know which one you think is best, or rank them 🙂 thanks!

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Yes, i’m late with this post, but that’s because i was a lazy zombie on the day!

Zombie Halloween

Zombie Halloween
















Our area of the office won the best decorated award. I’m not sure who won best dressed but the dinosaur guy was in the top 5…

Halloween Dinosaur

Halloween Dinosaur

What did you dress up as for Halloween this year?

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Newtown Graffiti

When graffiti is art and not vandalism… wowza. These guys have some serious talent. Look at the size of this piece… it’s like one of those epic Renaissance murals (except modern theme):

Graffiti Mural

Graffiti Mural

Artists who can work with paint and with colour are truly gifted. I want to drive around the whole city and basically just catalogue all the graffiti pieces i love:

Graffiti Mural

Graffiti Mural

Are there any graffiti pieces around your city that you’d like to share? Would love to see what other overseas artists are coming out with…

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Secret Wood

I don’t wear a lot of jewellery, unless someone meaningful in my life has given me the item, but i have to admit that the rings from Secret Wood are quite mesmerising, and i would love to own one:

Secret Wood

Secret Wood


Secret Wood

Secret Wood


Secret Wood

Secret Wood


Secret Wood

Secret Wood


Secret Wood

Secret Wood


Secret Wood

Secret Wood

If you’d like to get one of these hand made rings on your finger, just visit Secret Wood and check out their full collection, enjoy!

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Evil Dead: Endless Nightmare

You know i have a zombie addiction… Man this game is so cool, although i must admit i’m still getting used to the control settings, i panic when i see a zombie in the periphery and then i end up getting killed by one that pops out in front of me:

I lasted 16 seconds :(

I lasted 16 seconds 😦

The game is free in the app store. Basically you just run and kill zombies and see how long you can survive with the weapons you have.

The zombie infested forest

The zombie infested forest

Initially your only weapon is your fists, but as you collect blood droplets you can unlock weapons with a bit more kick.

I got a nail gun :D

I got a nail gun 😀

Who left a barbed wire trench in the middle of the forest? Seriously i keep gravitating towards it, get stuck on it, and it throws off my whole survivalist strategy (yes i’m making excuses for doing so poorly).

What’s your most meters covered/how long have you survived?

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Fandom Diorama Scene Creations

Ok, lets all just admit that we play with our toys (action figures, plushies) you name it, yes i’m not referring to the special ones that are still in the box…

The Force is  strong with them...

The Force is strong with them…

Some of our fandom-following friends have gone to town on instagram (follow @fandelafandeli), taking the trouble to capture an action scene unfolding in a perfect second:

Who is your money on?

Who is your money on?

I could probably pull off something similar with micro-machines, or with Pokemon plushies. Most of my action figures are back in South Africa so i’m pretty limited for the time being.

The moment of impact

The moment of impact

Is there anyone in Sydney reading this who has some merch? Maybe we could pool resources to pull off our own fandom action sequence of shots? Let me know 😎

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